Blog Current Issues

Religious Freedom: societal consequence of silencing beliefs

(Post 5 of 5) (Originally published in TheScoop2017, March 2017) This is the fifth and final post in a series on religious freedom and the separation of church and state debate. The first gave a history of religious freedom and explained the debate. The second focused on the two opposing positions taken. A third described the ideology behind those who promote a strict separation argument. The fourth defined the central issue from which the debate stems:…

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Blog Current Issues

Preventive care, not health care: Creating incentive to take back our health

(Originally published in TheScoop2017, April 2017) Ok, I’m dreaming here, but let me have my moment please. I realize the ideas in this post are simplistic and have probably already either been considered or discounted. Still, perhaps there is just one idea that could spark discussion. Everyone knows we have a problem with healthcare costs and the foods we consume that contribute to health issues. Health care is big business in the U.S. How to fund…

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Blog Current Issues

Why Christians should care about global warming. The answer may surprise you.

(Previously posted through TheScoop2017, May 2017) Scientists give conflicting information about global change so can we be blamed if we aren’t convinced it’s a real threat?  Even if the earth is warming up, what can we do about it anyway? I understand the Bible is not a scientifically sound source to go to for information and as an intelligent society we only want the facts. But the Bible has more to say on the topic than what you…

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Blog Confessions of a Believer Growth Spiritual

Why Doesn’t God Heal Today?

There’s much about healing I don’t understand.   Do we need the gift of healing to pray for someone to be healed or can anyone pray? With the gift of healing, the Holy Spirit gives an awareness that God would like to heal a certain person or segment of people. It sometimes is accompanied with the feeling of heat or tingling in the hands and sometimes not. Some people experience this gift and have a ministry…

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Blog Confessions of a Believer Uncategorized

Is it Time to Lament? Will God Show His Power, or are we too Late?

(Originally written Dec. 2022) How should we, as followers of Jesus Christ, engage our culture? There is no doubt such an engagement is critical. We, as a collective Church, have not been very good at going out, at reaching beyond our church walls into the communities where our churches reside. Yet, Jesus said to go.  But, how do we reach individuals inside their homes, how do we engage in the public square? I know there…

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