Blog Faith

Will Your Faith Endure Trials to Come?

In Hebrews 11 we read about men and women who exemplified great faith. These are our great cloud of witnesses who underwent often horrific situations because they held to a belief that wasn’t popular. Yet, often they didn’t even see what they were believing for take place in their lifetimes. Obviously they weren’t thinking that “If this happens, then it is true.” No. They new it was true regardless of what happened. What is faith…

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Blog Confessions of a Believer Faith

Who Wants to Die Anyway? On Dying to Self

My flesh is rising up in me today, kicking back against this idea of suffering, of dying to self, of giving up my life in order that I might gain God, gain his life, be able to walk in the Spirit more effectively. My flesh and spirit are at war. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to give up my creature comforts, much less my physical needs. And yet, my heart yearns for…

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