Blog Faith

Will Your Faith Endure Trials to Come?

In Hebrews 11 we read about men and women who exemplified great faith. These are our great cloud of witnesses who underwent often horrific situations because they held to a belief that wasn’t popular. Yet, often they didn’t even see what they were believing for take place in their lifetimes. Obviously they weren’t thinking that “If this happens, then it is true.” No. They new it was true regardless of what happened. What is faith…

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Blog Confessions of a Believer Growth Spiritual

Wanting More of God

The more we spend time in God’s presence, the more we connect with him and the more we desire him. Does your heart yearn for more than what you are experiencing by going to church once or twice a week? Do you want more even though you spend time reading your Bible and praying? Perhaps you hear of people who have been used mightily by God, whether in the past or who are active today,…

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Blog Confessions of a Believer Growth Spiritual

Why Doesn’t God Heal Today?

There’s much about healing I don’t understand.   Do we need the gift of healing to pray for someone to be healed or can anyone pray? With the gift of healing, the Holy Spirit gives an awareness that God would like to heal a certain person or segment of people. It sometimes is accompanied with the feeling of heat or tingling in the hands and sometimes not. Some people experience this gift and have a ministry…

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