Blog Confessions of a Believer Faith

Who Wants to Die Anyway? On Dying to Self

My flesh is rising up in me today, kicking back against this idea of suffering, of dying to self, of giving up my life in order that I might gain God, gain his life, be able to walk in the Spirit more effectively. My flesh and spirit are at war. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to give up my creature comforts, much less my physical needs. And yet, my heart yearns for…

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My Brain Spill Jumping Into the Unknown I’ve talked about writing for years now, so why haven’t I started? Because I’m afraid. I know I’ll get pushback and criticized. I hate being wrong or failing. It cuts me to my core. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past years is that I belong to God, and he helps me in my weaknesses. So if my worst fears are realized, I believe my…

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