Blog Faith

Will Your Faith Endure Trials to Come?

In Hebrews 11 we read about men and women who exemplified great faith. These are our great cloud of witnesses who underwent often horrific situations because they held to a belief that wasn’t popular. Yet, often they didn’t even see what they were believing for take place in their lifetimes. Obviously they weren’t thinking that “If this happens, then it is true.” No. They new it was true regardless of what happened. What is faith…

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Jumping Into the Unknown

I’ve talked about writing for years now, so why haven’t I started? Because I’m afraid. I know I’ll get pushback and criticized. I hate being wrong or failing. It cuts me to my core. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past years is that I belong to God, and he helps me in my weaknesses. So if my worst fears are realized, I believe my trust in God will only grow. As…

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Blog Current Issues

Five Ways to Reinvent Valentine’s Day

(Originally published on TheScoop2017, February 2017) This is a continuation of Valentine’s Day chocolates do not help beat the sugar addiction. If we want to be helpful to those who are trying to kick the sugar habit, let’s forgo the chocolates and reinvent Valentine’s Day. Reading about Saint Valentine serves as a launching pad to fresh ideas to celebrate the holiday in ways that are meaningful and relationship building. Read the whole story here Saint Valentine. St. Valentine…

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