Blog Confessions of a Believer Growth Spiritual

Wanting More of God

The more we spend time in God’s presence, the more we connect with him and the more we desire him. Does your heart yearn for more than what you are experiencing by going to church once or twice a week? Do you want more even though you spend time reading your Bible and praying?

Perhaps you hear of people who have been used mightily by God, whether in the past or who are active today, and you wonder why you don’t have such a relationship with God. Why does he flow through them, but you hardly hear his voice?

There are different stages in life which needs to be considered. If you are in the stage of young children, building a career to support your family, or a single parent trying to make ends meet, you may find the only available time alone with God is in the bathroom. I used to pray while ironing my husband’s white shirts. Once MP3’s came on the market, I’d listen to the Bible while washing dishes. God does not condemn us for having a busy life. He desires to spend time with us as much as we desire to spend time with him, but he knows our limitations. Paul warned us about getting married, settling down, and raising a family, that our time and attention will be divided. The other side of this coin is that God established the family unit and told Adam and Eve to multiply. He even told the Israelites to multiply after being exiled in Babylon. So do what you can when you can. Enjoy this season of life. It goes by quickly.

I’m in the season of retirement, and my heart yearns to be used by God. But he has made it clear that to gain more of him, there needs to be less of me. It is true that we have the very nature of God already in us, but even though God is there, we don’t automatically appropriate his life. The truth of the matter is that I have all of God I want.

The question isn’t “Where is God?” The question is how much am I willing to give up to allow the Spirit to flow through me?