Ode to my Fireplace

Cold, hard, and dark

A lifeless void

Till a spark

In union joins

Kindling that’s dry

Then, in new birth

Ignites a flame

That grows in height

from the earth

Small and tame

In a moment the fire spreads

Quivering as it works its task

Consuming all its little bed

Smoke ensues in aftermath

Waiting in turn, small pieces of wood

Sit atop the licking flames

Turning black, then crimson red

Holding on as long as they could

To the heat’s encroaching claim

Then bursts forth in trembling dread

Brilliant orange, dancing tongues

Swaying in pursuing rage

Crackling in chorus sung

Releasing power from its cage

Ravenous hunger,

Militant delight

A monster not to be tamed

Passionate anger

Forward fight

Till all has been claimed

Monuments once strong and proud

Now cracking, bending down

Hissing, crying aloud

Casting off their final crowns

Blue, amber, pulsing heat

Writhing from within

Open tombs, glories fail

Dancing sparks in air meet

Rejoicing in the win

Exuberating gale